Sunday, September 19, 2010

09.19.2010: 10 miles of running

10 miles of running in Republic, MO. (9 miles with Scott Griffith, a.k.a., the Flying Duck): a very enjoyable run. Scott agreed to go with my 27r:3w pattern. He normally does a 4r:1w. I appreciated him going with my pattern as I am wanting to shape it into my system memory. We ran out to the Terrell Creek road where the view is pretty awesome. The sun was out and effected us a bit in the later miles. 71 degrees Fahrenheit at the end and climbing. Elevation: +685/-683 (that Terrell Creek road has some nice hills). Hit three bags of Sunkist fruit snacks during my walk segments (my first calories of the day). I was glad to get some calorie burning in before eating and drinking during the Vikings game - GO VIKINGS!!!

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