Tuesday, January 24, 2012

2012 Week 3

I was very pleased to start the week with a 42 mile long run on Route 60 [more: here]. I did take the next day off primarily because I had a huge 13 hour day at work. I got it rolling again on Wednesday and then on Thursday I enjoyed a morning run with the emerging Republic Running Gang. I opted to run to the get together and run home, that gave me a few bonus miles.

On Friday I was optimistic about a weekend with plenty of opportunities for mile consumption, but that got impacted a bit when the car I was driving for work got slammed by a Dodge pickup truck. Thankfully I did not suffer any major injuries, but the muscle strain, bruises, and soreness have slowed me down for a bit.

I did get out on Sunday to do a bit of a diagnostic run. I took Son1 along. The soreness improved throughout the run, but in the process I realized I am sore up under my left side of my rib cage.

I am optimistic that in about 7 more days my body will be past the trauma of the accident.

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